Green Flames Technology provides support for experimental tests at pilot, semi-industrial and industrial scale.

Thanks to the extensive experience of Giovanni Coraggio and Marco Faleni, Green Flames Technology is able to offer a wide range of services: commissioning and optimization of experimental rigs, set up of the rig sensor system, rig operation management, advanced data analysis and reporting. Our two goals are to improve the efficiency using the most advanced techniques and to reach the best level of reliability of instruments and results.

Here is a list of expertise of Green Flame Technology:

  • Measurements services in pilot, semi-industrial and industrial rigs
    • In-flame gas and flue gas temperature measurements
    • In-flame gas and flue gas chemical composition measurements
    • Radiative heat measurements
    • Total heat flux measurements
    • Solid particles sample
  • Calibration services
    • Probes calibration with Black Body Furnace up to 1500°C
    • Pressure and temperature transducers calibration
  • Supply of prototype probes for in-flame measurements
  • Design and optimization of experimental rig
    • Set up of rig control system
      • Temperature control system
      • Measurements and control of flowrates (solid,liquid and gas)
      • Pressure control system
      • Diagnostic system for visualization inside the combustion chamber
      • High frequency optic sensors for flames diagnostic
      • Efficiency control system of the heat exchangers
      • Design and manufacturing of solid feeding system (continuous and pulsed feeding)
    • Test and optimization of the control systems
    • Periodical tests and maintenance of the rig
    • Rig commissioning
  • Rig management during tests
  • Solid fuels preparation
    • Solid fuel milling
    • Solid fuel sieving
  • Rig data analysis
    • Correlations study
    • Statistical analysis
    • Uncertainties assessment
  • Results reporting and presentation